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with Canberra’s leading networking group.

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Whether you’re looking to connect with serious business owners, or find a trustworthy service provider, our carefully-curated network of professionals is here to help you.

Meet our members

Paul S Huskinson

Canberra Real Estate Photography & Video Pty Ltd

Chris Ambler

Smart Start-Up Accountants

Brook Lloyd

Canberry Properties

Talha Tariq

Susan Annabel,Annabel's Bridal Studio - NetworkOne Business Networking Group Member

Susan Annabel

Annabel's Bridal Studio

Bhavi Soni

JK Painters ACT

Adam Lawrance

Lawrance Private Wealth

Company Members

Go directly to one of our members’ websites by clicking on the logos below.
Businesses are organised by days of the week they attend our meetings.

Network One: The Business Network Group

Looking for a business or service? Search through our members page to find the right job.
Discover our networking packages or check out our calendar and gallery to see our events.


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A world of opportunities, connections & relationships

100+ Members

Business members across the ACT & NSW regions

$5+ Million Value

Worth of referrals exchanged

5+ Years Experience

Professional referrals and connections in Canberra

Ready to Grow? Join Us Now!

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Our Blog

Discover what’s coming up @ Network One this month.

Network One at EQ Cafe Deakin where you will meet Geoff Grimshaw on Wednesday’s

Geoff is a Private Investigator at Capital Collection Service, if you have a need for his services come along to..

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Top 15 Reasons Businesses Fail – Part 1

Top 15 Reasons Businesses Fail: Why do businesses fail? A question that is asked time and again. Every year we..

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Networking and COVID-19

Kellie Nissen (Just Right Words) The Friday group in Network One are a special group of people—as are the other..

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